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Commodore BASIC  |  2023-02-26  |  3KB  |  59 lines

  1. 1 poke808,225
  2. 2 printchr$(8)
  3. 4 sys65418:k=peek(45)+peek(46)*256:a=k-1086:p=k-1019:sysa:t$(0)=",8":t$(1)=",8,1"
  4. 5 ln$="[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]":ln$=""+ln$+ln$+ln$+ln$:sp$="                   ":sp$=sp$+sp$
  5. 6 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:y=1:r$(0)="":r$(1)="[146]":x(0)=2:x(1)=22
  6. 7 print""
  7. 8 readn:n=n-1:dims(n),f$(n),t(n),e$(n),c$(n)
  8. 10 fori=0ton:reads(i),f$(i),t(i),e$(i),c$(i):next
  9. 12 print"[147]";chr$(9)chr$(142)chr$(8):y=0:sysp,14,0
  10. 14 sysp,14,1
  11. 16 sysp,14,2:mx=15:ifmx>(n-g)thenmx=n-g
  12. 18 sysp,7,4:r=1:print"[156]    avalon vi 1995 "
  13. 19 print""
  14. 22 fory=0tomx:gosub50:next:y=0:sysp,5,22:print"[158]use cursor key to move cursor"
  15. 24 sysp,15,18
  16. 26 sysp,0,21:println$
  17. 28 i=23:ifn>mxtheni=24:sysp,4,23:print"[154]press the [n] key for next page"
  18. 30 sysp,6,i:print"press [return] to load file ":poke198,0
  19. 32 r=(r+1)*-(r<1):gosub50:t=0
  20. 34 geta$:t=t+1:ifa$=""andt<20then34
  21. 36 ifa$=""thenr=1:gosub50:y=y+1:gosub56:goto32
  22. 38 ifa$=""andy+8<mx+1thenr=1:gosub50:y=y+8:gosub56:goto32
  23. 40 ifa$="[145]"thenr=1:gosub50:y=y-1:gosub56:goto32
  24. 42 ifa$="[157]"andy-8=>0thenr=1:gosub50:y=y-8:gosub56:goto32
  25. 44 ifa$="n"theng=(g+16)*-(g<=n-16):goto12
  26. 46 ifa$=chr$(13)then62
  27. 48 goto32
  28. 50 rl=y-(8*-(y=>8)):sysp,x(-(y=>8)),rl+9:printr$(r);left$(f$(y+g),16)
  29. 52 sysp,1,20:a$=left$(c$(y+g),38):a=len(a$):b$=left$(sp$,19-a/2)
  30. 54 print"[146]";b$;a$;b$:return
  31. 56 ify>mxtheny=0
  32. 58 ify<0theny=mx
  33. 60 return
  34. 62 ifs(y+g)thensys52256
  35. 64 print"[147]load";chr$(34);f$(y+g);chr$(34);t$(t(y+g)):print"";e$(y+g);chr$(9);""
  36. 66 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
  37. 68 :
  38. 70 :
  39. 98 rem 0=no warp/drive   0= ",8"
  40. 100 data 16:rem number filenames
  41. 103 data 0,"hal's chat!*", 1,"run","yes he's here again with lots to say"
  42. 104 data 0,"biorythms*", 1,"run","find out how you will feel tomorrow!"
  43. 105 data 0,"esp-test*", 1,"run","guess you know what this is about!"
  44. 106 data 0,"bio-compat*", 1,"run","are you suited to him/her?"
  45. 107 data 0,"hals 'x' files*", 1,"run","the truth is out there!"
  46. 108 data 0,"oz connection*", 1,"run","get down under mate!"
  47. 109 data 0,"kaleidograph*",1,"run","we all had one as a kid, now it's back"
  48. 110 data 0,"kaleidoscope*", 1,"run","mega patterns all for you"
  49. 111 data 0,"stix/ava*", 1,"run","a weird little game"
  50. 112 data 0,"labyrinth*", 1,"run","get lost with this game, it's a-mazing"
  51. 115 data 0,"ego booster v2.1*", 1,"run","we all need this sometimes"
  52. 120 data 0,"fatman-demo/mh*", 1,"run","a bit of 'lite' relief for you"
  53. 130 data 0,"        ", 1,"run","     "
  54. 140 data 0,"re-set*", 1,"run","if you've had enough, load me!"
  55. 150 data 0,"        ", 1,"run","     "
  56. 160 data 0,"        ", 1,"run","     "
  57. 170 data 0,"        ", 1,"run","     "
  58. 299 :